What To Do?
What To Do? What am I to do? This is one of the most important elections in our time. Is all I am to do is vote Or is there more being asked of me? What am I to do? Gun violence continues. Another shooting this week – 5 died. Is all I am to do is hold them in my prayers? What am I to do? In my study of racism I see that racism is not just between people. It is deeply rooted in our society In how banks and schools, judges and businesses have and are treating blacks. In the “talk” Black parents give their teenage kids. Is all I am to do is learn and be aware? What am I to do? Global warming seems to big for me. Yet the Earth cries out in pain For the suffering of Life on her and in her. Is all I am to do is hold that pain? What am I to do? The rich get richer and the poor struggle at 2-3 jobs. The middle class is shrinking. My wife and I are in the top 1% of the world in income Which means we make more than $32,400 per year. ...