Contemplative Painting

Contemplative Painting Over twenty years ago my friend Glennietta gave me some paints and paper for my birthday. I told Glennietta that I was not an artist. She said she was not asking me to be an artist. Simply put paint on paper. If you want to splash some purple, splash purple. See a green that grabs you, paint that shade of green. Just play with it. See what happens. What I discovered when I did this simply process, when I got out of my head, and just slipped into creative, messy, paint play, I would enter into deep soul work. It is amazing what shows up on the paper. For two and a half years, I have been leading Contemplative Painting at the Retreat House Spirituality Center in Richardson, Texas. We gather, introduce ourselves, choose some colors that speak to us, do a brief meditation, and paint. At the end of our time, we share what the experience was like - what (or who) showed up, what we felt, what we see in our paintings and in the...