

Two weeks ago in my blog, I shared pictures I had painted as part of the Contemplative Painting Class at the Retreat House Spirituality Center. I shared 5 paintings with comments. The above painting I did not share. It was the last painting I did in the second class. I didn't really like it. It didn't speak to my spiritual journey, or so I thought.

On my way to Gilmont Conference Center for a board meeting, I listened to Brene Brown and the Power of Vulnerability. This is a series of teachings Brene did for Sounds True. In one of her talks Brene Brown talked about the importance of play for wholehearted living. Brene's first response when play came up in her research data was to discount it. Then it was to realize that she didn't know how to play, didn't have time to play, and had too many important things to do rather than play.

Brene defined play as "time spent without purpose." Based on that definition, I realized that I don't know how to play either. Almost all my time is spent with purpose. If I go out to shoot basketball, it is to get better, to improve. I have a purpose. If we are playing a card game, I have a purpose - win. I don't like to lose. Brene said competitive sports is not play because there is a purpose. If I go for a walk or run, that is not play. It is exercise. I have a hard time just sitting in the backyard. It just seems I should be doing something.

I can remember going on a camping trip as a boy.  We camped near a lake and I wandered down to the lake and began throwing and skipping rocks into the lake.  I must have thrown a hundred rocks into that lake. My dad came down and told me I was going to fill that lake up with rocks. For me, that was play.  No purpose. Just throwing or skipping rocks and having fun.

Playing and singing and dancing and laughing all are key to wholehearted living, according to Brene Brown. I looked again at this discounted picture, the one I thought was not part of my spiritual journey.  It is part of my journey. This picture is inviting me to play. To sing. To move. To be a pink evergreen tree. Can I say yes, not because I ought to play but because I want to? Yes, that is why I am sharing this picture with you and inviting you to play. Just have some fun. That's what I'm going to do.


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